3D Maturity

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Over the course of more than two decades, our extensive journey through the realms of 3D and digital technologies has provided us with invaluable insights. Each year, we engage in conversations with a diverse array of brands, collectively exploring the transformative potential inherent in the digital landscape. These annual collaborations not only bear witness to the continuous evolution of digital innovation but also grant us a profound understanding of what digital maturity represents for the myriad brands we engage with.

As a result of these ongoing discussions and experiences, we have undertaken the task of defining and elucidating the multifaceted concept of digital maturity. Our objective is to construct a comprehensive framework that enables brands to assess their current position and measure their progress on the path to digital transformation. In the process, we have carefully outlined four distinct levels of 3D maturity, each representing a unique stage in a brand’s digital journey.

0. The Slacker: This initial level often characterizes brands that have yet to fully embrace the potential of 3D and digital technologies. They may be resistant to change, maintaining traditional practices and showing minimal enthusiasm for digital transformation.

1. The Newbie: Brands at this stage have taken their first steps into the digital realm. They are in the early phases of experimentation, gaining exposure to 3D concepts and gradually integrating them into their operations. While their enthusiasm is growing, they are still finding their footing.

2. The Believer: Brands at this level have embraced digital transformation more wholeheartedly. They recognize the value of 3D technologies and have begun to implement them strategically across various aspects of their operations. Their commitment to digital maturity is evident, and they are starting to witness tangible benefits.

3. The Frontrunner: At the pinnacle of 3D maturity, Frontrunner brands are leaders in the digital space. They have fully integrated 3D technologies into their core processes, achieving a high level of efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness. These brands consistently leverage digital tools to stay ahead of the curve and drive industry trends.

These four levels serve as both benchmarks and guideposts for brands in their digital journey. By understanding where they fall within this framework, brands can tailor their strategies, allocate resources effectively, and make informed decisions to progress towards higher levels of digital maturity. Ultimately, this framework empowers brands to navigate the dynamic digital landscape with confidence, strategic clarity, and a clear vision for their digital future.